Q: How do I register for classes?

A: Click here to register.

Q: How many sessions of classes will Studio 3 offer?

A: Weekly classes last anywhere from 8 weeks to 16 weeks.

Q: Are registration fees refundable?

A: No. Registration fees are not refundable.

Q: What if my child gets sick? Are there any make up classes?

A: If your dancer is unable to attend class, please email the studio: diane (at) dancestudio3 (dot) com. Dancers unable to complete a session due to injury or illness, who provide documentation from a licensed physician, will receive a credit for remaining classes. Dancers who miss class by choice, receive no credit. Dancers who miss 3 consecutive classes without notification from parent will be dropped from the roster.

Q: Are your classes in person or on line?

A: All classes are in person from 8 to 16 students max.

Q: What if my young dancer is anxious about going in to Studio 3 on the first day of class?

A: For the first class only, one family member may accompany dancers ages 3 to 9, for a short welcome and info session. Family members must wear a mask.

Q: What if my child needs me during class?

A: We have your emergency contact phone information and we will call you.

Q: Can my dancer bring a water bottle to class?

A: No. We have a new filtered water system in the studio for single serve disposable cup use.

Q: Can I wait in the lobby for my dancer?

A: No. All drop offs and pick ups will be at the door.

Q: Can I watch class?

A: At the beginning of each session the viewing window is closed. There will be times when the viewing window is open.

Q: Are you disinfecting the studio?

A: Disinfecting wipes will be available for all dancers to use to clean personal spaces.

Q: Do you still offer private instruction?

A: Yes. We offer private and semi private classes in Studio 3 ONLY. Contact Miss Diane: diane (at) dancestudio3 (dot) com to arrange for these sessions.