Q: How do I register for classes?

A: Click here to register.

Q: How many sessions of classes will Studio 3 offer?

A: Weekly classes last anywhere from 8 weeks to 16 weeks.

Q: Is Tuition refundable?

A: No. Tuition fees are not refundable and are due in full when registering. Per your registration agreement: Parent/Guardian is responsible for total tuition payment, regardless of class attendance. When registering for classes, students are taking a place in the class for the entire session including the performance at the end of the session. TUITION IS NONREFUNDABLE. 

Q: Does my child have to perform in the fall and spring shows at Bay Street?

A: Yes! Registration includes a commitment to rehearsals and performances at the Bay Street Theatre for “Mixed Nuts” (fall) and the Spring Show (spring). All registered dancers agree to attend all rehearsals the week before the performance (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) and perform in all shows (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). Rehearsals and performances are a time for each class to work together, make mistakes and figure out how best to perform as one on stage – a vital part of a young dancers training. There are no exceptions to this requirement. All dancers Grades K and up must be present for all rehearsals and performances.

Q: Why can’t I take out my cell phone during fall and spring shows and video my dancer?

A: To truly connect with your dancer you must be a present audience member.  Watch the show. Be involved in all of the dancers performances.  Imagine what it is like dancing for people who are connected to your dance instead of their cell phones. It ruins the experience for these dancers if they feel they have performed only for the camera. So treat these live show like all others – no photography or videotaping is allowed.

Q: What if my child gets sick? Are there any make up classes?

A: If your dancer is unable to attend class, please email the studio: diane (at) dancestudio3 (dot) com. Dancers unable to complete a session due to injury or illness, who provide documentation from a licensed physician, will receive a credit for remaining classes. Dancers who miss class by choice, receive no credit. Dancers who miss 3 consecutive classes without notification from parent will be dropped from the roster.

Q: Are your classes in person or on line?

A: All classes are in person from 8 to 16 students max.

Q: What if my young dancer is anxious about going in to Studio 3 on the first day of class?

A: For the first class only, one family member may accompany dancers ages 3 to 9, for a short welcome and info session. Family members must wear a mask.

Q: What if my child needs me during class?

A: We have your emergency contact phone information and we will call you.

Q: Can my dancer bring a water bottle to class?

A: We have a new filtered water system in the studio for single serve disposable cup use. No water bottles, please.

Q: Can I wait in the lobby for my dancer?

A: No. All drop offs and pick ups will be at the door.

Q: Can I watch class?

A: At the beginning of each session the viewing window is closed. There will be times when the viewing window is open.

Q: Are you disinfecting the studio?

A: Disinfecting wipes will be available for all dancers to use to clean personal spaces.

Q: Do you still offer private instruction?

A: Yes. We offer private and semi private classes in Studio 3 ONLY. Contact Miss Diane: diane (at) dancestudio3 (dot) com to arrange for these sessions.